A whitestone building ahead features a lobby with tall windows that forces attackers to go around it to find the final objective within a Talon base. Heavily dotted with references to Lucio’s background, Paraíso’s map is one of a kind. In the new Overwatch 2 map, attackers make their way up from a scenic roadside beach and capture a green parade float. They then escort it through Rio de Janeiro’s incredibly colorful residential district until they arrive at Lucio’s nightclub.
Overwatch 2 6v6 Returns in Season 14!
Floating like an armored eagle above the enemy gives you a great vantage point as well as making you harder to hit. Just be careful not to run out of fuel whilst on top of a cluster of enemies. Manage fuel reserves carefully, frequently landing outside of the current killzone. He’s a reasonable marksman at medium range but to cause real problems he has to get all up in your grill.
Best Heroes for Each Map Overwatch 2 Suravasa – Temple
Sanctum – what was once a serene temple is now up for grabs as both teams violently contest the Shambali’s inner sanctuary. One of the paths lead to a health pack and a quick way down to the control point which sits beside a large pit. Unlike its first map, Nepal’s indoor sanctum leaves open sightlines from corner to corner. As a result, long-ranged supports enjoy a wide line-of-sight while medium-ranged heroes dominate drawn-out firefights.
All the skins and emotes available during the Overwatch Anniversary 2019. Celebrate the third commemoration of the game with great loot and all the seasonal brawls from the past years. About 100 images per article revealing the best sniping spots for Widowmaker by map.
Blink stores three charges – use each one to move out of your enemy’s field of view and by the time they’ve found you, their health will be near zero. Reinhardt or Zarya will easily soak up damage from his primary and secondary attacks and his ultimate will do little to dent either’s defensive shields. D.Va could also be helpful in tracking down the annoying beggar as he tries to scuttle away with his extra-fast movement speed. Some provide incremental buffs while others cover specific hero weaknesses or even adjust how you want to play them. Although they’re all viable depending on the situation, these are the perks to lean toward if you want to be the best Tank for your team.
In order to succeed, you have to at least have an idea of what is expected from each fight, map, or game mode. To help out, we have some must-know strategies for each game mode, map shortcuts, and some general tips on how to secure a victory for your team. There are now 22 Overwatch heroes (and counting), and each one plays very differently. Blizzard’s highly competitive shooter is balanced very carefully around ensuring that every hero adds strategic depth to the game without making any of them too powerful.
Honestly, it’s kind of shocking that Blizzard hasn’t made the kill feed a feature that’s automatically on from the get-go. This live feed in the upper-right corner gives you a visual of who’s dying in the game. Knowing when all of your teammates have been eliminated can keep you from going in as a one-man army on the prowl for his/her own death.
Even if you’re completely fresh to the world of online-FPS, Mercy is a great starter character that can do no wrong for a struggling team. Of course, you won’t want a team filled with supports, but if your allies keep dropping at chokepoints, Mercy is an invaluable asset for keeping the momentum on strong objective play. There are plenty of nuances to Mercy beyond gluing yourself to the closest tank. Like Widowmaker and Soldier 76, Mercy is one of the most popular Open Beta selections, topping the list of support heroes thanks to her easy-to-understand gameplay style.
His ultimate is great at tearing through clustered enemies so when he cracks out Primal Rage spread out, or just run away. Once Mei has deployed Ice Wall and Cryo-Freeze she’s extremely vulnerable. It’s often a great idea to hang around until she pops out of her frozen chrysalis to pick her off. Hanzo’s arrows are often one-hit kills, but his rate of fire is terrible and hitting fast moving targets is extremely hard. Pharah, Tracer, and game quiz McCree (if he gets close enough) all pose problems for him.
Hybrid Maps
Each match impacts a player’s Skill Rating based on whether they win or lose, and that ranking lasts for an entire season before the whole process starts over. The best way to train this idea is to both play tons of matches and to watch high-level gameplay. Learning how pro players call out can help your style by emulating their success. Welcome to our Overwatch Guide to the Best Heroes rankings based on map. Each hero has its strengths and weaknesses, those with less weaknesses tend to be overall better for every Overwatch map. Below we put together some easy to follow quick Overwatch guides for each map and the best heroes for that specific map.
Well is perhaps the most recognizable sub-map of Overwatch’s Ilios. Past its white stone steps and blue-capped houses, players will find the huge, circular pit that gave the map it’s name. Another picturesque drop-off can be found off to the side, so flanking can be difficult.
Judicious use of your abilities is essential if you’re going to be an effective human (or robot/ape) shield, though. Making widows is mostly a case of finding a suitable hiding spot and picking foes off from a distance, but don’t forget that this sniper is also highly mobile. Use Grappling Hook to escape tight spots, but like Hanzo and Bastion, it’s also vital to change position before the enemy discovers where you are. Her Blink and Recall abilities make her virtually impossible to hit at top-speed – use them to zip behind enemy lines and assassinate every squishy thing you see.